UKANI Malawi

Premier Projects supports Malawi mums on Mother’s Day

Premier Projects donated materials made by young Malawian women to the maternity wing of a hospital in Blantyre.

Premier Loto and Premier Projects showed their support for Mother’s Day by contributing to a charity that empowers young women and the maternity ward of a Malawian hospital.

UKANI’s mission is to “empower and equip young women with skills and knowledge, so as to build a generation of strong independent women in a male dominated society.”

The NGO does this by providing jobs, education and support to women. For example, in Blantyre, UKANI gives young women marketable skills in tailoring. As a result, this helps to break the cycle of poverty that many young mothers find themselves in. Commitment to equal rights

During the COVID-19 pandemic, UKANI taught these women to make re-usable face masks. They have also trained women to make re-usable sanitary pads, as well as other items.

Premier Loto and their charity sector, Premier Projects placed a large order for these masks and sanitary items. Malawi’s biggest gaming company has donated this order to the maternity wing of the Chiradzulu District Hospital, to help the new mothers stay safe in these uncertain times. A spokesman for Premier Projects said: 


“Partnering with UKANI reaffirms our commitment to equal rights for all. The work UKANI do for young women in Malawi is vital. We encourage everyone to visit their Facebook page to learn more about this fantastic NGO.”

In addition to giving jobs to the young women, UKANI also provides crucial education on sanitation, child birth, menstrual and mental health.

COVID-19 has impacted many different sectors in Malawi life. As well as the materials from UKANI, Premier Projects therefore also donated washing stations to the hospital.

Premier Loto and Premier Projects have shown their commitment to fighting the Coronavirus before. This was apparent when the pair donated PPE to hospitals and the immigration centre earlier in 2020.

Premier Projects believes in improving sport and cultural facilities. This was shown in Malawi through the renovation of a volleyball court in Blantyre.

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