International Women’s Day 2022

Today, we have come to understand the vital link between gender, social equity and sustainable development. The international community recognizes that without gender equality in the world, a sustainable future based on equality will remain out of reach.

On this International Women’s Day, a few questions can be raised. First, what is the place of women in society? But also, what place does she hold within companies?



As a women, it’s great to work at Premier Loto Malawi. The company help me grow so much in my career as it does with so many other women
Grace – Assistant affiliate programme manager Premier Loto Malawi

Women in the Society

For Editec and its partners, women are very important in society. In addition to giving birth, she has a real impact on the development of a better future. Even today and in many countries of the world, women still have a great responsibility in providing food, water and fuel. Thus, according to the UN, they have an essential role in guiding and stimulating changes in adaptation, mitigation and solutions to climate-related challenges.


We have female agents, shop managers and also many women at the headquarter that are leadind departments. As a women it is very nice to see, motivating and encouraging
Grace – Assistant affiliate programme manager Premier Loto Malawi

Women in Africa

Nowadays in Africa, women are key drivers of African development as the continent is making enormous progress toward gender equality. Despite these improvements, gender inequality is still an issue and a reality many African women are facing every day. However, things are changing and will continue to change and progress! Today the African woman is not only restricted to home chores and children’s education.  Her active participation in the company is recognized as key to an organization’s growth and productivity. For her, working is essential since it is through work that she becomes financially independent, a pillar of equality, economic growth and sustainable development.

To celebrate women, we want to give a voice to those who contribute every day to the prosperity of our business.